
Friday 10th

Dear enthusiastic readers,

Today we woke up to a pretty surprising breakfast at our hotel. And actually no, it was a positive surprise. Of course the variety could’ve been better, but we got a real proper British breakfast. From there we headed towards the bus station were we again used our tickets from yesterday on the sightseeing bus (it was a 2-day ticket). We planned to visit the science museum.

On our way there we saw some new historical places. First we went by the Big Ben. This is the nickname of the great clock that has been one of London’s favourite landmarks since it was built, more than 150 years ago. The minuet hand on the clock is 4.3 metres long, and clock itself weighs almost 14 tons.

We then saw another famous landmark in London, the Tower Bridge. The bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge and is easily recognised be its eccentric two towers in each end. The bridge was build over the River Thames in 1894 and is 244 metres long. Tower Bridge is often mistakenly referred to as London Bridge. But the London Bridge is another bridge which lies some hundred further up the River Thames.

At last we ended up outside the Science Museum. This museum must be one of the only museums I’ve ever looked really forward to visit. It is really huge, and has got all kinds of interesting things to see. Everything from steam engines to an IMAX cinema can be found is this huge building which is right next to the Natural History Museum. We were in the museum for several hours. There was just too much too see in there. I especially enjoyed the Apollo landing module, which was really interesting to see.

When we felt we had seen enough we went to get something to eat. We ended up at Pizza Hut. The pizza was really good, and since the whole family were starving it was much needed. After we had eaten we went to get my friend, Sverre, who finally had arrived. We then went shopping. Some of the highlights were HMV, a really large CD, DVD and Game store, the Apple Store which were extremely large as well, and also Hamley’s. One of the world’s largest toy shop. When we were done shopping we headed for the hotel to catch some sleep. Tomorrow we will reach the main goal of this trip, the Muse gig.

I’m throwing in a picture I took of the sun behind the River Thames, just for fun.

Ciao ;-)

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